Ziprasidone switch study. (Principal İnvestigator, Pfizer sponsored)
Sertindole versus Risperidone: Tolerability Study ( Coordinator of Turkey)
IM Olanzapine Depot in the treatment of schizophrenia ( Coordinator of Turkey)
Paliperidone treatment in prevention of recurrences in schizophrenia (Coordinator
of Turkey)
Sertindole switch study (Lundbeck sponsored)
Turkisch Sch (an Epidemiological Study for Psychosis and Schizophrenia) (Turkish
National Council of Science sponsored)
HELPS (an European Project)
Genetics, electrophysiological and brain imaging study of schizophrenia (Research
Foundation of Dokuz Eylül University sponsored)
EU-GEI Genes and Environment interactions in schizophrenia (an European Project)